Meet Your Grief Guide
Gwen Kapcia

Gwen Kapcia, LBSW, CT

Gwen Kapcia is a Certified Thanatologist (CT®) and a Co-Author of Mourning Star, a Christ-centered Grief Curriculum for children, teens and adults, along with the creator of Your Grief Guide, the wound, the work, and the wonder.

For more than 30 years, Gwen has been a professional grief counselor assisting individuals, families, and groups who are grieving. She has not only worked at Hospice to assist patients facing death and guide their surviving families through grief, but has also directed grief support at large funeral homes, churches, community support groups, and within a dedicated center for bereaved children and adults.

Want To Book A Private Event?

Gwen has created and presented many trainings and educational workshops. Private opportunities can be booked for both in-person or virtual meetings, for your church, professional agencies, and organizations.

Each event provides a safe and intimate setting for participants or an individual to explore their grief journey. Tailored to the needs of each group or person, these sessions include guided discussions, healing activities, and practical advice for coping and growth. Individuals will walk away with healing, practical coping strategies, and a sense of community and belonging.

Private Events Booking