
In developing a five-part grief class and presenting it to groups of about 20 individuals at a time I often heard how it was the most helpful thing they did for their grief journey. I had many people ask me if it was available online so that others could hear it. Therefore, I have created Your Grief Guide.


Grief Guide was developed as a roadmap through the very difficult journey of grief. No one comes to grief prepared for the task; nor is it something we are taught how to do. My career-long walk with bereaved people, who have bravely taught me about what is needed to survive has allowed me to create this five-part series to help anyone who is experiencing a death loss.

What people are saying about the Guided Tour:

"This was an excellent workshop! It really helped me a lot. Gwen is terrific - so many examples and stories that really happened."

"I can feel the healing that has happened from the first session to the present. What a blessing to have that relief and happiness."

"Fantastic! Just what I needed."

"Best program I have done so far. So grateful to the funeral home for offering this."

"It helps me to know my feelings are normal. Gwen felt like a friend talking to us."

Guided Tour

The Guided Tour is a 5 part video series. Offering education and practical guidance on the journey through grief.

Each session includes a 30-45 minute video. These can be viewed individually and then discussed in a group or with a partner/mentor.

The tour is self-paced, includes handouts and discussion questions.

A Broader View of Grief:

Session one

We will present a real-life view of the grief journey and how our culture plays a part. Also creating an awareness of the broader view and the barriers we may face. This allows the mourner to lean into, rather than fight against the common reactions to loss.

Your Unique Story:

Session two

A closer look into what influences our journey and the unique factors that affect you personally. This knowledge can aid in reducing the fear of what we are experiencing and the pain we feel.

The Work of Grief

Session three

Peering into what the experts say we need in order to heal will provide an informed approach that allows the mourner to gauge their "progress" and to identify areas where work is needed.

The Obstacles in Grief

Session four

Many times we don't know what may be an obstacle or what is hurting us as we maneuver our new path. We will look at guilt, anger, depression, and other obstacles. Providing solutions for clearing our path towards healing.

Healing in Grief

Session five

Here you can review your progress, learn about how to reestablish stability, and promote balance. This is really putting it all together to continue towards healing. The ultimate goal is not just to mourn, but to mourn well.

Start Your Journey

$125.00    |   $99.00
(Introductory offer)

Purchase the Guided Tour to start your healing today. The tour includes a 5 part video series where you will find support as you learn to feel, express, and heal. The series is designed to make your journey easier and more manageable.

3 Virtual Checkpoints

Once you have completed the guided tour you have the option for continued support by purchasing 3 virtual checkpoints with Gwen Kapcia. Each checkpoint will provide personal support through a Zoom meeting (60-75 minutes). Gwen will guide you through the wound, the work, and the wonder.

The Wound

This is the chance to share your story, whatever parts you are comfortable speaking about. Before sharing about their death we will begin by talking about their life, in a sense "introducing" them and remembering who they were and what they meant to you. This is not easy, we know that, but replaying is a vital part of the journey.


The Work

This checkpoint will center around where you are in working through the Objectives of Healing. Looking closer at what parts of your grief work is most difficult, provide suggestions for intentional mourning and also looking at remaining healthy through the process.

Asset 11

The Wonder

At this checkpoint, we explore when healing comes into view. What are the possibilities for my future? How will I honor and cherish the memories but also step forward into life? What am I going to need as far as ongoing support?

Simple Butterfly. Continuous line drawing. Vector illustration minimalist design.
