Additional Support Services

Pain as a Teacher

I finished a book! That is a big deal. I usually read about 2/3rds; I am not sure why. I wonder if I get bored, if I get enough of the gist or if there is some deep seeded problem with starting but not finishing. The book I completed was titled FINISH: Give Yourself the…

The Grief Olympics

The bereaved Olympics…is that a thing? I know thousands of “competitors” if it was. We were supposed to be enjoying the Summer Games this month but like so many others wonderful events, they were cancelled. Too bad our journey of pain was not cancelled. How is the grief journey like training for the Olympics? This…

My Journey Thus Far

My journey thus far. As mentioned before, grief work has been my entire career. Hospice, grief counselor at a funeral home and currently Program Director for Starlight Ministries is the sum of where I have worked. In addition, I have given countless presentations on grief and loss, how to help, and a variety of topics.…

What Makes Me Qualified?

What makes me qualified? I think the answer to this question is easy. Let me break it down. Number one, even though I have a degree in Social Work and have a certification in Thanatology it is the mourner who is the expert and not me. I can speak to the subject with certainty and…

Why Am I Doing This?

Why I am doing this? What is this? This is starting my own Grief Guide business. I really wish at the beginning of my career that I had kept a journal of all the families/individuals I have met. I cannot even venture to count how many homes I have been to, how many groups I…

Who is Gwen?

I am a wife, mother, and professional grief counselor with over 30 years of experience in helping families who are grieving. Before our children were born, I worked in Hospice care and assisted patients facing death, and guided their surviving families through their grief. Once our children were born, I was able to stay home…


Church Support

Many times bereaved people are wounded by their faith communities, as we too are not prepared to help those who are hurting. Your Grief Guide offers education and training to equip the church and care ministry teams to be more effective in the support that they provide.

Partner with Grief Guide

Allow us to customize workshops and trainings to suit your needs.

General training topics included (but not limited to):

  • Grief 101
  • Modern-day mourning
  • What happens to our faith
  • A closer look at the emotions
  • Grieving as a family
  • How to help others
  • Tips for healthy helping
  • Developing a grief support program for your church

  • Train large groups or individual mentors.
  • Begin your own support group.
  • Implementing Starlight Ministries Mourning Star curriculum.
  • Utilizing Your Grief Guide - Guided Tours.
  • All trainings are highly customizable for your needs and are available both in-person or online.
    To schedule your support series email

    Professional Support

    This is for those on the front lines; working with the bereaved. Victims advocates, police officers, nurses, doctors, long term care providers, etc. We may feel paralyzed in the face of grief and how to help those experiencing a death loss. Your Grief Guide offers education and training to equip front line workers to be more effective in the support that they provide while maintaining healthy boundaries.

    Partner with Grief Guide

    Allow us to customize workshops and trainings to suit your needs.

    General training topics included (but not limited to):

  • Grief 101
  • A broader framework of loss
  • Notifying families a death has occured
  • Dealing with survivors of a traumatic death
  • How to be effective in the care you provide
  • Vicarious grief and trauma
  • Caring for ourselves
  • Developing a toolkit for supporting the bereaved

  • Knowing resources in your area
  • Train large groups or individual mentors
  • Grief support on a national level
  • Utilizing Your Grief Guide - Guided Tours.
  • All trainings are highly customizable for your needs and are available both in-person or online.
    To schedule your support series email


    Additional Available Topics

    (but not limited to)

  • Preparing for approaching death
  • Grief in the workplace
  • Children in grief
  • Care for the caregiver
  • Hope for healing in the midst of pain
  • Trauma
  • Suicide loss
  • Infant, stillbirth, pregnancy loss
  • Being a Proverbs 25:20 helper
  • Jesus is Healer
  • The aftermath of loss, promise of hope
  • How to care in a distinctively Christian way
  • Friendship during times of grief
  • What to say when you don't know what to say
  • Living a front porch life
  • Remaining effective in difficult situations
  • Vicarious grief and trauma
  • Listening and effective communication skills
  • Help for the holidays
  • Complicated and prolonged grief
  • Men and grief
  • Grief on the front lines, death notification
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Nurturing yourself during seasons of pain
  • Ready to Book Support?

    Call Gwen at 517-526-3973


    "Gwen Kapcia and her Grief Guide material bring expertise to one of the most challenging subjects in the life of the church. Leaders, Care Teams and Pastors will all benefit from spending time with Gwen and her encountering real life examples of how to move through grief, be present with people during and after loss and support each other in the process. Gwen’s style and humor open doors that may otherwise stay shut as leaders wade into tough subjects and learn from each other. I would recommend Gwen and Grief Guide to all who are interested in growing in their ability to care, cope and understand grieving people."

    Pastor Jamie DeVries
    Covenant Community Church

    "I have had the pleasure of having Gwen speak to a couple of my groups, both professional and volunteer. Gwen has been a top-rated speaker across the board. She has an excellent way of organizing ideas and views in a logical manner that is easy to understand. Gwen has a great sense of humor and uses it well to capture the attention of her audience and keep them engaged. Hands down Gwen has the expertise and ability to deliver a message like no other."

    Marcy Lay Executive Director MASA
    Ionia County Victim Advocate